Contact information
No. 939 Ziyedong Road, Wuzhen County, Jiaxing City Zhejiang Province, 314501, People’s Republic of China
No. 939 Ziyedong Road, Wuzhen County, Jiaxing City Zhejiang Province, 314501, People’s Republic of China
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About the Destination
The centuries-old water town of Wuzhen is known as the last town surrounded by water in China, where ancient buildings stand perfectly preserved, displaying skilful wood and stone carving. Wuzhen is also known as the ‘Land of Fish and Rice’ and the ‘Home of Silk’, being situated on fertile land and a famous centre of silk production.
Architecture and Interior Design
Alila Wuzhen’s minimalist architecture is a modern reimagining of a classic Jiangnan village. Its well-proportioned spaces are a maze of twists and turns, reminiscent of village streets, lanes, courtyards and public areas, intertwined with waterways that correspond to those of the water town.