Contact information
SCBD Lot 11 Jl. Jendral Sudirman Kavling 52-53 Jakarta 12910
SCBD Lot 11 Jl. Jendral Sudirman Kavling 52-53 Jakarta 12910
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About the Destination
The enormous city of Jakarta is Indonesia’s cultural, political and economic hub, and the region’s largest metropolis. SCBD, short for ‘Sudirman Central Business District’, is the capital’s most dynamic district, primed for international business, luxury shopping and world-class entertainment. When in Jakarta, SCBD is the place to be.
Architecture and Interior Design
The hotel’s contemporary styling bears the cutting-edge hallmarks of the innovative Rockwell Group, rock stars in the world of design. Sophisticated simplicity and sleek minimalistic interiors, intertwined with original art works commissioned for the hotel, create a cool urban retreat with a relaxed downtown ease.