Ambon - Raja Ampat Itinerary
10 Days / 9 Nights Journey
Embark on an 10-day adventure on the Banda Sea and Ceram Sea, from Ambon up to Raja Ampat, leisurely cruising all the stunning dive sites and islands. Cloaked in tropical rainforest, Ambon Island is a fertile, mountainous island that lies off the southwest coast of Seram Island on the north side of the Banda Sea. It is part of a chain of volcanic islands on the northern side of the world famous Banda Islands – a region of Indonesia that is the subject of many books, stories and songs. For a long time the Banda Islands were renowned for their richness and their strategic position for the spice trade. Today they are well known not only for their history but also for their breathtaking landscape, incredible marine life and astonishing coral reefs. This is the perfect indulgence for any adventurer looking for a luxury yacht to charter in Indonesia.